
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Still Deciding

Until now, I'm still not sure what to do with this blog. Uncertain, if I want this to be a fashion blog where I post outfit photos, a DIY blog where I post mini tutorials of projects that I do or a music/art blog? Oh well, I guess, I'll just wing it for now and post whatever I feel like posting. So here's what I'm sharing for now, my newly thrifted purple lace up booties!

Aren't they lovely? They're in near perfect condition. I love the faux crocodile pattern on these. Although you can't see it here, the heels are quite lovely as well. They look like little triangle wedges underneath. Best part, they were very cheap. It only cost me about $2-3 or  P100 in local currency!! Definitely a great find. 

By the way, those aren't my feet, they're my cousins. She was modelling the shoes for me. I'd post her other pictures but I think she might kill me. lol.