
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Festivals of India - Mahashivratri



Greetings on Mahashivratri !!

Today is Mahashivratri, an important festival of Hindus. The festival of Mahashivratri (literally means the 'Grand Night dedicated for the worship of Lord Shiva'). is looked upon with greatest reverence & respect by the devotees of Lord Shiva. This festival is celebrated every year on the 13/14th day in the Krishna Paksha (waning moon fortnight, just before the new moon) of the month of Phalgun. As per the English calendar this is celebrated around Feb or March.

This day and more so the night is dedicated by the devotees of Lord Shiva for his worship, practice of various austerities & meditation. All the Shiva Temples are fully decorated and there are hordes of devotees queuing up to get darshan of Lord Lord Shiva on this special day.

Club News

New stamp from India

la mart

Date of Issue – March 1, 2011

India Post issued a new stamp on 1st March on La, Martinere schools.

INDIPEX Issues from other countries…

fdc gandhi1

: Mansoor B - Mangalore; Ashwani Dubey - Gorakhpur