
Monday, January 17, 2011

It must be love...

    Vintage dress, Levi's Denim Jacket, topshop lace cycle shorts, new look boots.

This is my personal inspiration for today and the rest of the week! This is the boy (Jack), and me at the end of the summer after we went for a lovely picnic! It always fills me with so much emotion and happiness when I look at this image, I am hoping that summer of 2011 will be as great as the last two we have spent together.  

Its back to the Uni grind for me, so today i woke up to darkness and come home to darkness, geees I can not WAIT until it starts getting lighter! That also means I can take decent pictures before/after Uni, most probably before because after you have sat a whole day of lectures the last thing you will want to do is say 'cheese' to the camera! I would rather get in, stuff my face with cake and drink tea :)

I bought myself a tripod and remote for my Nikon at the weekend.. now all i need is light, a nice backdrop...a cool outfit.... oh and me posing like a looser! Haha

Hope everyone has had a good Monday!