
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award!

I have seen the stylish blogger award flying around all over the blogosphere so was so happy when i received it from Lock, Stock+ Style if you have not checked out her blog already go check it out! She does the most beautiful posts! Thank you! So i guess i have to write seven things about goes!
1) My middle name is Valentine!

2) I live in a house in the beautiful countryside but I commute to London for university! Best of both worlds!

A snippet of my room!

 3) I  had scoliosis when I was 15 so had corrective surgery, I now have two titanium rods and 15 screws in my spine. These will stay there forever and I do not set off the airport alarms, even though everyone insists I will!

4) Me and my sister have Alpaca's, if you have not already seen them check out Tassel cape and a little help! 

5) I am in an amazing relationship with this boy:

6) I like Heavy metal (Don't judge me, I am not some scary monster!) haha I have just learnt to appreciate it ALOT!

7) I have always been into art, fashion and photography! This was an art  project i did at school! 

Now the important part, I send this award to: